by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SugarCRM or SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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#3249 - Account filter by Security group

Closed Bug? created by FibreCRM Verified Purchase 7 years ago

HI, we are unable to filter by security group over the account module. have added the field to advanced search on Suite Version 7.7.9, but applying the filter returns no results. there are accounts assigned to the groups and the field is visible in list view. No filter applied - Group visible - filter applied no results.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Before digging into this, are there any other modules installed and if so, which ones? Has SecuritySuite specifically for 7.7.9 been installed or was SuiteCRM upgraded to 7.7.9 without SecuritySuite being upgraded as well?

    • fibrecrm member avatar

      FibreCRM Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      there are plenty of extra modules installed. and Security suite 7.79 was installed specifically for suite 7.7.9 no upgrades. list of modules below with their versions.

      IRIS 1454665113 Attributes Customisations 1488992102 Fees 1498145701 FI_Companies_House v0.2.0 IRISPack 1450170308 Quick2Call v1.2.3 FI_OpporunityAutoName 1.2 Quick2CampaignMonitor v0.7 Quick2List v3.7.1 project_IRIS 1448879659 FI_Template_Editor_old 1 Main_Contacts 1.6 FI_AttributeAutoname 1.2 FibreCRM Super User Access V0.2 KReporter Base Package v4.1.0 KREST Core v2.5.2 KReporter Core v4.1.0 project_IRISPack 1448879685 SecurityGroups - Full Edition 2.9.6 IRIS_Attributes_List 1478516929 Task Duration - Auto-populate 1 FI_KPIReportDashboard v1.5 IRIS Fields 1450174446 FI_SuiteCRM_XERO_THEME 1.3 FI_WebDashlet v1.1 Quick2Email v3.0.12 FI_ConvertLeads v1.1

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Wow! Thanks. I'm going to give it a try with a blank 7.7.9 install and get back with you. If it works then I'll provide which files are involved just in case one of those installed touches any of the involved files.

    • fibrecrm member avatar

      FibreCRM Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      Thanks. much appreciated

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Just sent you a fix. This exact issue was fixed at some point after 7.7.9. I will be back-porting all fixes/features from the latest 7.9.4 release in the near future to ensure functionality for past versions is on par with the current release.

      Let me know how it goes once you drop in the fix. Thanks!

    • fibrecrm member avatar

      FibreCRM Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      Al l working, thanks for the fix.

  2. fibrecrm member avatar

    FibreCRM Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    would you happen to have the fix for suite 7.8.5 same issue.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      The 7.8.5 package on the store already contains the fix. 7.8.3 and above should be good to go for the search by groups issue. I'm following up on the other item that you mentioned in our emails right now.

  3. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Just sent over a fix for the 7.7.9 issue of the search layouts not saving the Security Groups field in the right location. This has been addressed in 7.8.3 and I will add this to all past supported versions in the upcoming release.

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