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#3311 - Dashlet managment not possible anymore after adding "Group Messages" dashlet

Closed Bug? created by BoBo 7 years ago
CRM: SuiteCRM 7.9.5 SecurityGroups: If I try to add the "Group Messages"-Dashlet to the Homescreen, then a Smarty error will be displayed on selection popup: ![select.png]( "select.png") As far as I can see this error leads to a missing module variable in modules/SecurityGroups/Dashlets/MessageDashlet/MessageDashlet.meta.php. Adding the dashlet is working, and it will be displayed without any problems on the Homescreens. But as soon as I want to do any further actions (edit tab, add tabs, add dashlets) on the homescreen the popup shows the loading image inside the popup forever and nothing happens. ![loading.png]( "loading.png") As soon as I remove the "Group Messages"-Dashlet everything is working as expected. The second problem looks not as a related problem to the missing module variable. Could you please check if this is a general issue of the curent SecuritySuite module? Thanks, armin
  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

  2. chrisbochsler member avatar


    7 years ago

  3. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

  4. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

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