#334 - SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar - 6.5.16
Hi there,
We have installed the SecuritySuite on Sugar 6.5.16 and the below error comes up. Is this a bug or a known issue?
Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite will not work correctly until updated to 6.5.16. Upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.16
Please note that after installing the module, Sugar Module Loader panel is blank preventing the ability to uninstall the module.
Any help would be appreciated.
Maybray Digital.
10 years ago
It means that the installer couldn't write to config.php. You can add this to your config_override.php to hide this message:
$sugar_config['securitysuite_version'] = '6.5.16';
Be sure to go to the SecuritySuite settings page and configure as needed as this probably means that the default settings were also not applied in config.php:
'securitysuite_additive' => true, 'securitysuite_filter_user_list' => false, 'securitysuite_inherit_assigned' => true, 'securitysuite_inherit_creator' => true, 'securitysuite_inherit_parent' => true, 'securitysuite_popup_select' => false, 'securitysuite_strict_rights' => false, 'securitysuite_user_popup' => true, 'securitysuite_user_role_precedence' => true,
I'll look at removing the need to write to config.php in future releases. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I'll move this case to the SecuritySuite area at https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/support/securitysuite so that others can find this as well.