#3451 - Module limit?
Is there a limit to the number of custom modules that will work with SecuritySuite? We're trying to set permissions on a role and it seems to always stop at a 100-110 roles. Changing from "Enabled" to "Disabled" for example for a module in the first 100 or so entries correctly saves the information but the lower portion (beyond the "limit") never reflects the change and will refresh with the old value. Confirmed that it doesn't save to db either. Roles were rebuild , repair was done, roles were also completely deleted and re-created to see if it was a value in the db that was causing an issue but the problem persists.
7 years ago
Not with SecuritySuite, but PHP configurations. In your php.ini there is a setting that affects it when you have a ton of custom modules. Look for:
max_input_vars = 1000
And increase that to a point that comfortably makes it work for you.
Be sure to restart Apache after any changes here.
7 years ago
AWESOME. You guys are the best. Resolved. Thanks.
7 years ago
Glad that worked out! Had another SecuritySuite user run into this last month so glad that we had a solution ready to go this time.