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#3464 - List view not show security group

In Progress Bug? created by tuanan Verified Purchase 7 years ago

Suitecrm 7..5.3 Security Enhance Trial Pls help me to solve this issue 1/ Ex: accounts module => list view not show security groups => it is blank for all record => list view: multiply assigned user also not show anything : it warn " not support" 2/ In studio builder - Can not re-arrange "Security Group" field is list view layout => can not save

Best regards, Tuan

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hello Tuan,

    We are working right now on backporting all features from the current SecuritySuite 3.1.4 version to older versions of SuiteCRM. 7.5.3 is on that list. However, it may be a month or two to get the 7.5.3 version ready.

    Would it be possible to upgrade SuiteCRM to a more recent version? There are plenty of improvements to SuiteCRM since then and many security vulnerabilities that have been fixed.


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