by eggsurplus

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#367 - Move Dashlets

Closed Bug? created by mehrshid 10 years ago

Hello My Sugarcrm is CE version 6.5.13 Installed SecurityGroups - Basic Edition version 2.6.5 Issue: Users assigned to a Security Group can not move and customize dashlets in tow horizontal column in Homepage Layout and only allowed move in vertical in one column. I try with IE, Chrome, Firefox I need help. Regards, Mehrshid

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Hello Mehrshid,

    I'm not able to replicate the issue for a user assigned to a group on 6.5.13. Do you have any other modules installed? Such as a Dashboard Manager? SecuritySuite doesn't touch the home page as far as the layout goes. Do you see any errors in sugarcrm.log?


  2. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hello and Thank you for your fast repply No, Only Advanced Open Sales is installed and i did not install any Dashboard Manager on this installed shugar. This problem only affected users are member of a Group. I have a problem with AOS(Advanced Open Sales) module too, In each part of AOS there is not any Security Group assignment button, And in Security Suite Settings (Admin area) AOS modules do not available in All module drop-down list.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      As this cannot be reproduced on a blank install with just SecuritySuite installed then it is very likely to be an issue with AOS and SecuritySuite together. I don't officially support the 2 working together. The AOS folks do have support with SecuritySuite at some level, but it sounds like there are some issues still.


  3. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    I clear log file, login as user assigned to group. try move dashlets, not things happened and nothing logged.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      I don't know what to tell you except to ask the AOS folks to see if they know of any reason. It works on a clean install with just SecuritySuite installed just fine so there is nothing that I can do to help you. I can offer additional services for a cost to debug why AOS and SecuritySuite together may be having issues. Please understand that I can't support every possible combination of modules out there as I can't control how the other product is designed and coded.

      Hope that makes sense! -Jason

  4. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Understand you

  5. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hello I take a loot at relationships between AOS modules and Security Group Management and saw there is not any relations between them. I manually create Many-to-Many relations with Subpanel from Security Groups Management: Default and Lable: SecurityGroups Now there is one difference between new relations that i created manually with last system generated: all my created name start with * and i don't know why. Issue: now i can assign security group to each AOS modules and for me as manager every thing is okey. but assignments not happened really for user belonged to the group . Any suggestions?

  6. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Oh!, When i create relation trough Studio as Many-to_Many "Select" "Create" button appear in the end of modules , but standard ones are "Security Groups: Mass Assign" "Assign" "Remove" "Group with a dropdown list. What's wrong?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Studio doesn't work for creating relationships to Security Groups because SecuritySuite uses a special table as it is impossible to predict what relationships you will create. In the Premium version, available here, you can use the Hookup tool to quickly add a relationship between any custom module and Security Groups. In Basic, you would have to manually do this. Follow the directions in this doc:

      If you have too many issues then strongly consider purchasing Premium. It comes with many very beneficial and time saving features such as Sudo which lets you log in as anyone else without having to pass around passwords. Great for admins to help with training, debugging, etc.


  7. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    eggsurplus Thank you, Very good guide lines. I create relation and scripts as described, after that Security Groups: Mass Assign visible on Listview but in detail view not seen. I use Security Groups: Mass Assign to assign a record to group but after click on Assign button redirect me to a blank page "Security Group Management".

    I take a look at sugar.log and below error logged:

    01/20/14 04:19:31 [5368][27694e69-77f8-b9c5-7f60-4b7030b1183e][FATAL] Missing relationship definition aos_products_securitygroups_1. skipping aos_products_securitygroups_1 subpanel

    Script in aos_products_securitygroups_1MetaData.php is as following :

    <?php $dictionary["aos_products_securitygroups"] = array ( 'true_relationship_type' => 'many-to-many', 'relationships' => array ( 'aos_products_securitygroups' => array ( 'lhs_module' => 'SecurityGroups', 'lhs_table' => 'securitygroups', 'lhs_key' => 'id', 'rhs_module' => 'AOS_Products', 'rhs_table' => 'aos_products', 'rhs_key' => 'id', 'join_table' => 'securitygroups_records', 'join_key_lhs' => 'securitygroup_id', 'join_key_rhs' => 'record_id', 'relationship_type' => 'many-to-many', 'relationship_role_column' => 'module', 'relationship_role_column_value' => 'AOS_Products', ), ), ); ?>
    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      You may need to delete the previous relationship and/or Repair Relationships.


  8. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Is only delete related record in Relation Database Table is enough?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Best article for removing a relationship created by Studio:

  9. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    eggsurplus Fixed, Thank you. This was a good support from you.

    I change some codes as below:

    <?php $dictionary["aos_products_securitygroups_1"] = array ( 'true_relationship_type' => 'many-to-many', 'relationships' => array ( 'aos_products_securitygroups_1' => array ( 'lhs_module' => 'SecurityGroups', 'lhs_table' => 'securitygroups', 'lhs_key' => 'id', 'rhs_module' => 'AOS_Products', 'rhs_table' => 'aos_products', 'rhs_key' => 'id', 'join_table' => 'securitygroups_records', 'join_key_lhs' => 'securitygroup_id', 'join_key_rhs' => 'record_id', 'relationship_type' => 'many-to-many', 'relationship_role_column' => 'module', 'relationship_role_column_value' => 'AOS_Products', ), ), ); ?>

    Best Regards

  10. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Only thing that still remain is: Issue: Users assigned to a Security Group can not move and customize dashlets in tow horizontal column in Homepage Layout and only allowed move in vertical in one column. I try with IE, Chrome, Firefox

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Excellent. Glad that you are down to that. I can't and won't address that one as is since that doesn't happen on a clean install. Not even sure how that is possible without some sort of theme installed.


  11. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    Solved. I use following article :

  12. mehrshid member avatar


    10 years ago

    And your Nice support ;)

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