#3753 - Pre-sale : Custom requirement
Hi, How are you?
I got one requirement in SuiteCRM as follow:
User A created a Account AAA. Now admin assigns this record to the user B. Both users are normal user and from the different team/group. So now user A will not be able to Account but I want to allow A to see the all the accounts created by them, even when it's assigned to the other users.
Let me know if you have any question or possible using your plugin.
Thanks and Kindest Regards, Prafull
6 years ago
What plan are you on for SecuritySuite? With Enterprise you could add User A as an Additional Assigned User. If not, it will take some code customization work as SuiteCRM uses only the Assigned To field if that exists. Only when it doesn't does it fall back to the Created By user. To alter that logic so that User A could see records that user created you would need to modify the logic in /data/SugarBean.php in the getOwnerWhere() function.