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#3908 - Calendar layout issue

Closed Bug? created by jyotiraghavsingh93 6 years ago

additional assigned to field adding on layout is impacting the calendar , they are no more working now, any idea to resolve this?

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago


    I moved over your comment to a new support case so that we can get this figured out. Can you help expand upon what isn't work and when it stopped working? Also, are you on SugarCRM or SuiteCRM and which version of that CRM are you currently running?

    Thank you! Jason

  2. jyotiraghavsingh93 member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hi, thanks for quick reply, this issue was on Internet explorer and almost on all suitecrm versions, but it's fixed now, thanks!

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      Happy to help. A few things to always run after installing SecuritySuite new or as an update that will prevent this:

      • Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair & Rebuild (execute all generated SQL)
      • Admin -> Repair -> Rebuild Relationships
      • Admin -> Repair -> Repair Roles

      This will address just about any possible issue that comes up. I'm going to close this case out. Feel free to follow up here with any other issues or just create a new case.

      Cheers, Jason

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  • "Works only EN lang, If run upgrade SecSuite under RU lang - error..." - vstgod

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