#3939 - Stuck on module upgrade, table already exists
HI Jason,
I am trying to upgrade the ss module after updating suitecrm from 7.7 to 7.8.23. I got that message saying "upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.25. I was trying to use the module loader to upgrade to corresponding 7.8.23 version but it doesn't complete the upgrade and it says "Table already exists: securitygroups". The Security groups version that I have installed is Security Groups 2.9.4a.
I have checked permissions, cleaned cache, quick repair, repair roles and relationships, nothing works...
Can you help please?
6 years ago
That is a message that I wouldn't expect. If you go back to Module Installer does it still show just 2.9.4a as installed and not 3.1.12?
It sounds like the installer completed except for the final post-install scripts. I am emailing you a link to a different install package that would work around this possible issue on your instance. Expect that shortly here.
Cheers, Jason
6 years ago
no luck, I tried with your install package and it failed the same way. Table already exists. Can you think of something else?
6 years ago
Wow, you're fast. Are you using Module Installer or a different install process? SuiteCRM shouldn't be executing that table creation sense the module is already installed. We may need to force a bypass here if you are using Module Installer.
6 years ago
I am using the module loader / installer
6 years ago
Digging into that message more in the Suite code, it looks like that is just an informational message. Do you see any other messages? How about in your suitecrm.log or PHP/Apache logs?
I wonder if this could be a file permissions/ownership issue that is preventing copying the files over after doing the database structure installation. This appears to be the order that SuiteCRM installs.
6 years ago
permissions look fine, no other related messages in the log, i have a few cron issues (cron.php: missing expected allowed_cron_users entry in config.php) but I don't think this is related at all.
6 years ago
This message shows :
Including: cache/upgrades/temp/5wG3yK/scripts/pre_install.php
6 years ago
That's perfectly normal as well. What does Module Installer show as installed? Seems like there are no errors. Maybe a browser console error is being thrown?
6 years ago
The weird thing is I can't uninstall the old module either, the buttons in module loader are missing. That might be a clue.
6 years ago
That usually means that SuiteCRM couldn't back up files due to permissions during that original install so uninstalling can't be done anymore. I recommend reassessing file permissions. Even considering temporarily opening up permissions to install and then immediately reverting permissions back to what it was.
6 years ago
Another idea is to open up the debug level in your php.ini, restarting Apache, and trying again. Some important errors may be getting suppressed.
6 years ago
I have relaxed permissions to 775 in everything
6 years ago
Nothing, I am running out of ideas here
6 years ago
Did you receive my reply to your email? It looks like there is a fatal PHP error pertaining to a custom module that you have. For whatever reason, it is causing the installer to not work. Addressing that will make the installer work correctly.
6 years ago
I don't know, this error is for a submodule that I can't find so I can't remove it either. I don't think it's connected.
6 years ago
That's a good clue right there. That would explain why SuiteCRM is running into that error if the module isn't there. I suggest doing a search/grep on all of your SuiteCRM files and find where that module name is referenced. Then remove as appropriate. Even commenting out any references should be good enough to make this work.
6 years ago
any idea how can I disable the subpanel? I can't find it anywhere...
6 years ago
You will need to log into the server (not the CRM) and do a search on all files in your SuiteCRM directory for "msims_shipping_". Then comment out each reference to it in the code. For whatever reason, this module left some orphaned references to it in the code base.
6 years ago
I did a rgrep search, the only references were the log entries !
6 years ago
It could also be in the database in a table such as "relationships". If you find anything in that table go ahead and delete that row only.
6 years ago
got this error too, but I have added the www-data user to the config.php file as allowed cron user. This is driving me crazy today.
6 years ago
The cron thing shouldn't be an issue. The fatal error was around that orphaned module. Any luck finding that in the relationships table? Could be either on the lhs or rhs side.
6 years ago
Nothing in the table.
6 years ago
Try this query:
6 years ago
I got your reply that this came up with nothing. Going back to the original stack trace, there has to be something in the code base with "msims_shipping" in it. Usually that would be in /custom/metadata or in /custom/Extension somewhere. I would focus back at searching the entire code base to get this found and cleaned up.