#4376 - Advanced search-Assigned to field issue!
Hi Guys,
After upgrading from Security Suite 3.1.118 to latest version 3.1.19 I have found some potential problem with Advanced filter and Assigned to field in every module. If I search using Assigned To field which is built in drop down from the system I wouldn’t get any records if I choose multiple users…If I choose just one of them, I can see that records exists. Now this was working on 3.1.18 and Assigned To field behaved like it is OR condition when querying, now it seems like with 3.1.19 is AND condition. This happens in every module inside of SuiteCRM.
I would like to restore this feature to prior behavior. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago