#4720 - I don’t see Security Suite Subpanel in SOME modules
¡Hi everyone!
I have a strage problem with Security Suite.
I entered in Contacts module and I SEE Security Suite Subpanel BUT… I entered in Accounts module and I DON’T see Security Suite Subpanel I entered in Custom Module and I DON’T see Security Suite Subpanel
I review in the studio the relationships of the Security Module and it have relationships with ALL modules…
Did it happen to anyone?
a year ago
The subpanel will show/hide for a module depending on the List rights for that module.
For custom modules, use the Hookup tool on the Admin page in the SecuritySuite section. This is the only way to create the relationship correctly so that SecuritySuite functions as it should. If a relationship was created manually or through Studio then that relationship will need to be manually removed and then recreated with the Hookup tool.