#518 - List and View Access
Access for Accounts module is set to Group for List and View. The correct accounts are showing up for users in List View. However, when viewing accounts in PopUp view, all accounts are showing for all users, even if they don't have access. The users can't open to view these accounts since they aren't showing up as clickable links, but can still be added to activity entered in Sugar. Is there any way to keep this from happening?
10 years ago
This is by design in SugarCRM for the purpose of preventing the creation of duplicate records, I believe. I'm not sure if that is something that would be beneficial to remove for the majority of users. There may be a way to apply a hack to make that filter though. Would it be helpful if I pointed you in the right direction for how to do that?
10 years ago
Yes, if you could point me in the right direction for a work-around, that would be very helpful. Thank you.
10 years ago
I just tested this and the popup is filtering out records that aren't part of the user's group correctly. Since they are showing up in your case, but with no link, that that tells me that the user's ultimate rights for Accounts is List->All and View->Group. The user may have additional roles assigned directly to the user or to other groups that the user belongs to. One of those has a role of Account->List->All. You can see the ultimate rights for a user by going to the user record and clicking on the Access tab. This grid will show how everything is being inherited.
10 years ago
One of the users I tested is only in one group, and no role assigned directly to them. The access tab shows Group access for List and View for accounts. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d4igtyjpwf1slri/Screen%20Shot%202014-04-14%20at%208.01.30%20AM.png
10 years ago
Any other modules installed? I'm not able to replicate the issue. I forget, are you on 6.5.16?
I was confused by the original case. Thought your issue was around the auto complete. The actual popup view will filter based on the user's List rights. SugarCRM then shows a link or not to click on based on the Detail rights.
10 years ago
This site has KReports, Google Maps, EchoSign, QuickCRM mobile, Login Audit, Opacus SAS and several custom modules installed. This is on version 6.5.16.
10 years ago
Holy cow! You've got a super system built on CE. Try installing SecuritySuite again (if Module Loader will let you). This will ensure that the SecuritySuite version of some of the core files in SugarCRM are the ones installed and not something from another module. Meaning that some files from another module may have overwritten some key files that make that popup view filter correctly. Either that or some module changed the popup logic to entirely bypass the normal query generation for it.
10 years ago
Module Loader let me re-install SecuritySuite, but that just temporarily crashed that Sugar site. Must be one of the many modules that's messing with the popup logic, because accounts are still showing up the same way.
10 years ago
Closing this out as I cannot replicate this issue. Feel free to follow up if you have any additional information.