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#592 - Upgrade from 6.5.11 to 6.5.16 and SecuritySuite

Closed Installation created by N2ST Verified Purchase 10 years ago


I have upgraded SugarCRM CE from 6.5.11 to 6.5.16. I have SecuritySuite 2.6.4 Premium installed, and it needs an upgrade, so I upload the new 2.7.3 Full, I click install, I wait for 100% but after the installation I find the 2.6.4 installed and the 2.7.3 only uploaded. My file and folders have correct permissions. I have already checked the issue #519. After the installation in my config.php i have $sugar_config['securitysuite_version'] = '6.5.11' but I still don't know which version of SecuritySuite is installed.


  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    This happens when the installer can't write to config.php. If the installer says 100% then you can edit your config.php and set securitysuite_version to 6.5.16 and you will be good to go.

  2. NEST2spa member avatar

    N2ST Verified Purchase

    10 years ago

    But if I change the config.php manually in the module loader I will never see the new version even if SecuritySuite is upgraded? Is it right? Where else can I check the installed version of SecuritySuite?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      If you put write permissions on the config_php file and then run the module installer again it will show in Module Loader as installed. As it sits right now it is fully installed. SugarCRM just couldn't finalize it so that it shows correctly in Module Loader.

  3. NEST2spa member avatar

    N2ST Verified Purchase

    10 years ago


    I am doing another test before upgrading my production environment in a test environment that is a clone of my production one.

    Permission on file and folders are 777 (for test only). I am using the root user for database (for test only). The upgrade of SugarCRM to 6.5.16 works. I upgrade SecuritySuite. I do a "Repair Roles". I do a "Rebuild Relationships". I do a "Quick Repair and Rebuild" (not sure if needed).

    I made this change in config.php: $sugar_config['securitysuite_version'] = '6.5.11' to $sugar_config['securitysuite_version'] = '6.5.16'

    But if I try to open "SecuritySuite" or "Leads" I have this error: Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.

    From the log: Mon Jun 9 17:04:48 2014 [2532][4375ac80-7075-826f-79a3-4f1d6186f5f6][FATAL] Error finding the current users primary group: Query Failed: select from securitygroups_users inner join securitygroups on securitygroups_users.securitygroup_id = and securitygroups.deleted = 0 where securitygroups_users.user_id='4375ac80-7075-826f-79a3-4f1d6186f5f6' and securitygroups_users.deleted = 0 order by securitygroups_users.primary_group desc limit 0,1 : MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'securitygroups_users.primary_group' in 'order clause'

    So I have checked the database with "describe securitygroups_users;" and I don't have the field "primary_group".

    I think the upgrade didn't work. What can I do?


  4. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    When you ran Quick Repair and Rebuild did you see any generated SQL at the end that needed to be ran? Doing that has resolved this same issue for others in the past.


    • NEST2spa member avatar

      N2ST Verified Purchase

      10 years ago

      The execution of the SQL fixed the problem.


    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Glad to hear it! Closing this case, but feel free to comment if you have any other issues.


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