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#626 - securitysuite disabled 'by itself'?? have to reconfirm the license to re-enable

Closed Bug? created by andreskruse Verified Purchase 10 years ago
Hi Jason, this is with version 2.7.3. Happens on both installations we have, SugarCE 6.5.16, every other day when you load up the CRM it comes up with "securitysuite disabled, defaulting to owner rights" (or similar message, not sure anymore). In any case, when I then go through the "License Configuration" and then click on "Validate" it works again. So obviously this is not good, is there something we could do about it? Machine is Centos 6.5, latest updates, ehm.. what else would you need to know? Thanks, Andres
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    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

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    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

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