#628 - Assign sub
Hi When i assign a contact to a security group, associated with the contact not assigned and i have to for example manually assign calls ( In the Contact ) to the security group. Whats the solution?
Hi When i assign a contact to a security group, associated with the contact not assigned and i have to for example manually assign calls ( In the Contact ) to the security group. Whats the solution?
10 years ago
I'm not entirely sure on the issue, but it sounds like when you assign a group to a contact you also have to assign a person to it? That's exactly how it works as it would be impossible to know which person in the group should be assigned to the call automatically.
However, if you want it to auto assign groups after you assign a person then use the "Inherit from Assigned To" option in SecuritySuite Settings. Whenever you reassign a record to a user, that user's groups will be added to the record automatically.
10 years ago
Jason Maybe my description was not clear.I try to in an example. 1. I create a new Security Group (named A) 2. I create a use(Piterpan) and to be the member of new Security Group ( Member of A) 3. I assign all accounts( Selection of accounts) to Group A 4. Now when PiterPan login to Sugar have access to accounts
Piter Pan have not access or see or edit Contacts,Meetings,Opportunities, Cases, etc in the assigned Accounts
10 years ago
The missing key is to apply the appropriate role to Piterpan or to group A. If Piter Pan should see all records associated to A then create a role and set rights to "Group" in the role grid. Then assign that new role to group A. Piterpan will then inherit permissions from the group's roles.
For one-off, unique cases you can also create roles and assign them to Piterpan directly. Great for situations where a user is a manager and should have greater rights than the rest of the team.
10 years ago
Group A is applied to Piter Pan and in custom role i set rights to "Group" in the role grid. But not work for me. Piter Pan see Account with blank related module.
10 years ago
So Piter see's the Account as expected? Good, then either the group is assigned to the Account or Piter is. Now add the group to all related records (calls, notes, etc) to that Account (or assign Piter directly to those related records).
This is how SecuritySuite can guarantee that records are locked down while being able to be flexible enough to support any possible configuration. Your inheritance settings will make it so that those groups on the related records will be automatically assigned going forward. If you already have existing data you may need to do a 1-time setup by either using Mass Assign on the list views or directly in the database via the securitygroups_records table.
10 years ago
Yes, Piter see the Account, Problem is add the group to all related records (calls, notes, etc) to that Account, Because of large size and is not all of them i could not use mass update.For example in Contacts there is many records that i do not want to visible for Piter.
10 years ago
You have options in this case for initial set up. Use the list views and filter as needed and then use Mass Assign to add the groups. Or you can insert directly into the database based on your custom logic needs into the securitygroups_records table. See the data that already exists in the table to see how to format it.
10 years ago
Many Thanks