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#653 - Calendar module not working for users in a restrictive group

Closed Bug? created by ifpsugarcrm 10 years ago
Just upgraded to 6.5.17. Nothing changed related to the permissions or roles of users. As an admin, I am able to load the calendar module just fine with no delay. Any user that has a restrictive permissions, the calendar module fails, showing that it ran out of memory. My current memory limit is 512MB, I don't think that is the issue. This was working prior to upgrading so I believe it has something to do with the new hide shared calendar setting. I have tried enabling that feature and leaving it off, same result. Users with full access can load Calendar module, users with less permissions cannot.
  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

  2. ifpsugarcrm member avatar


    10 years ago

  3. software1 member avatar

    jobvector GmbH Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  4. software1 member avatar

    jobvector GmbH Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  5. ifpsugarcrm member avatar


    9 years ago

  6. ifpsugarcrm member avatar


    9 years ago

  7. software1 member avatar

    jobvector GmbH Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  8. software1 member avatar

    jobvector GmbH Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

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