#78 - After i have unchecked the checkbox inherit the user groups created record, they continue to be inherited.
I decided to uncheck this option in automatic for users. I want that they will decided which group assign to the record on the creation, or after that. So i checked the button "Use Creator group selector". And button with inherits from created by user are unchecked. But the checkbox with inherit from assigned user i leave checked->true. Please help with this. I need to inherit records only on user decision and on assignment.
11 years ago
It'll go into effect only for future created records. If that is the case, it may be inheriting based on the other inheritance rules enabled. Are the groups being added to the new record also related to the user assigned to the new record? Also, is the Inherit from Parent option enabled? This will cause all groups from the parent record to be added to the new record. For example, all groups assigned to an Account will be added to any newly created Case that is associated to that Account.
11 years ago
yeah. You right. I decided the issue. But i Have a few questions yet. 1. How to discover for simple user the security group members of groups where he is a member? 2. Situation. I need to have possibility to assign entities to the user from his manager and to save possibility for managing this entity by manager. For now i only see the solution to create security groups where members will (manager, employee1) (manager? employee 2)...etc. I realy don't want to create 50 personal security group for 50 employees. Can you please advise any other way to solve this issue?
11 years ago
I'm assuming you mean via code. For #1 there is a getUserSecurityGroups function for this in the SecuriyGroups class. #2 - Just put all the users in 1 group for the manager. So each manager has their own group. Set the rights for the users to Owner and the manager rights to Group so that users can't see other users' records (if that is your goal here).
11 years ago
yes. you right. when i put all users in one group and gave them specific roles employer and manager they started to see what they should see.
11 years ago
Excellent! Let me know if you need help with anything else.
11 years ago
Hello. Another question. What will be with records in security group when i delete current group? Will they be available for the owner of records?
11 years ago
never mind, i already tested it. The user will see the records where he is an owner