#847 - problem installing the 6.5.18 version
We’ve run into a problem upgrading to the latest security suite. We have upgraded to the latest Sugar CE, but when we try to install the latest security suite it just brings up
“Including: cache/upgrades/temp/osC3TF/scripts/pre_install.php”
And then nothing. Any ideas?
10 years ago
Whenever I've seen any sort of issue in Sugar like that it ended up being a permissions problem. I'd start with these 2 pages:
http://support.sugarcrm.com/04_Find_Answers/02KB/02Administration/100Install/Required_File_System_Permissions_on_Linux http://support.sugarcrm.com/04_Find_Answers/02KB/02Administration/100Install/Setting_File_Permissions_and_Ownership_in_config.php
Also check sugarcrm.log and then the Apache/PHP logs. Nothing from SecuritySuite itself is known to cause that.
8 years ago
Closing this out, but feel free to follow up if you have any more questions.