#906 - I cant update or create new dropdowns in Studio
After the instalation of SecuritySuite last version to SuiteCRM 6.1.4 i have problems with dropdowns in dropdown editor. I cant edit or create new dropdown, becouse it dont work me button save :(
Everybody on forums told me that that is issue with permisions, but i have no idea how fix it.
Do you have any suggestions for me ?
Thanks :)
10 years ago
Hello Miky,
That definitely sounds like permissions.
First fix the permissions:
Then ensure that SuiteCRM always gives new files the correct permissions when it creates new files (which it does often):
Cheers, -Jason
10 years ago
Hi, i tried many ways to fix it :D
But today i found the best way, how add or edit dropdowns. It is nessery disable SecurityGroups - Full Edition extension and after i can add or edit dropdowns, after it, when i added or changed dropdows. After it, i enabled the SecurityGroups - Full Edition. But attention !!! First you need done: Quick Rebuld and Repair, after Rebuilt Roles and after all thinks working perfect :D :D
Miky :)
10 years ago
Glad you got a workaround! But it still sounds like you have a file permissions issue. Either way, are you able to do what you need to do now?
10 years ago
Yes, I have still permissions issue, but i tried maybe 10 diffrent ways how fix it, but only one is, that i disabled SecuritySuite Full Edition for time, when i needed something to do with dropdowns. Sorry for english :D
10 years ago
Sounds good. Hopefully you're able to find the permissions issue eventually! Closing this case for now.
10 years ago
Hi, I think the problem is in SecuritySuite last edition, becouse before instal i had not problem with file permissions, now i have, but your solution is only one possibility for my bussiness :) I think that you did great extension, but in my case, its working for 100% with issue of permissions :D Thanks for fast response :) Have a nice day :)