#910 - 5 level Teams
I want to setup 5 levels teams. Example: A is the general director. B is regional sales manager. C is the sales manager. D is the leader and E is sales engineer. I want setup for E just see his records. D can see his and E records. C can see his and D,E records. B can see his and C,D,E records and A can see all. Can anyone give me the suggestions?
10 years ago
Hello chandan,
The key is to create groups at the lowest level of your hierarchy and then add everyone who has access to that group. For example, a group called "Sales Engineer - Central Territory" would have E, D, C, and B in it. A can see everything which is the default in SugarCRM so A doesn't need to be added to any group. Each group gets an Owner role assigned to it. All leaders/managers get a Group role assigned directly to them so that they can see all the records in all the groups that they are in.
Always make sure to add groups to the records once done. Here is a typical setup:
Hope that helps! Jason
10 years ago
But the problem is i dont want E,D,C to see B records. When i set up group role for E,D,C in other groups before so they can see B records too.
10 years ago
First make sure that E has rights to see their own records only and D, C, B have rights to see group records only. Then when you add B to the group edit the relationship and check "Not Inheritable". This means that when B creates a record B's group will not be added to the group so that D and C won't be able to see that record. Repeat for C if needed.
10 years ago
Sr jason. E has rights to see his own records and D,C,B have rights to see groups records only for sure. The problem is when D,C,B,E are in a group so D,C with groups only rights can see B records too. When i edit and check "Not Inheritable" B,D,C cant see E accounts more. What about edit the relationship. Can you give me in detail? Tks
10 years ago
Sr jason. E has rights to see his own records and D,C,B have rights to see groups records only for sure. The problem is when D,C,B,E are in a group so D,C with groups only rights can see B records too. When i edit and check "Not Inheritable" B,D,C cant see E accounts more. What about edit the relationship. Can you give me in detail? Tks
10 years ago
To clarify what the real problem is, lets say that there are 3 sales teams: Sales 1, Sales 2, and Sales 3. B is in all 3 teams. E,D,C are in Sales 1 only. When you add B to Sales 1 and B creates a record the new record automatically inherits Sales 1 due to the Inherit from Creator setting. We don't want that here otherwise E,D,C will see B's new record that isn't meant for Sales 1. To adjust this go to the Sales 1 group in Sugar and in the Users subpanel find B. Click on the edit icon on the right side. Check the "Not Inheritable" box and save. Now when B creates a record it will no longer inherit Sales 1 (assuming all other inheritance settings are set appropriately).
10 years ago
That works. Thanks alot.
10 years ago
Sr jason. Can i ask you one more thing. The suggestion you gave me. That work for records i created on sugar but with the records i import from csv files it didnt works. Kindly help me about upload process. Tks
10 years ago
What didn't work? Which groups were added that you didn't? The key is to find the unwanted groups and then see which inheritance setting under SecuritySuite Settings got applied. You may also need to just clean up records post import depending on your unique scenario.
10 years ago
I created group first. Then i upload the data and it works. But when i create new groups or add new user to existing groups, the records i uploaded cant be seen by the group, just the owner can see them.
10 years ago
Correct. It only works going forward. For existing data you will need to add the groups to them via the Mass Assign on the list views or in the database using SQL if you are comfortable with doing that.
10 years ago
Hello jason, we have many thousands records and more so its too difficult to choose records to mass assgign. So can you guide me the details of the query i can use to do with database using SQL. Tks
10 years ago
Here is a script to add a group called "Group A" to any account assigned to a User with an ide of '123'.
insert into securitygroups_records(id,securitygroup_id,record_id,module,date_modified,deleted) select uuid(),sg.id,a.id,'Accounts',now(),0 from securitygroups sg, accounts a where sg.name = 'Group A' and a.assigned_user_id = '123';
10 years ago
Hello jason, i have one question more. If i have 3 users: A, A1 and A2. A have 100 accounts. If A leaves how can i pass 50 A's accounts to A1 and 50 A's accounts to A2? Tks.
10 years ago
Best way to do that scenario is going to be directly in the database and changing the assigned_user_id for that module based on your needed criteria.
10 years ago
Or via the list view by doing a search for those and then a Mass Update for the first 50.
10 years ago
That works. Thanks alot.
10 years ago
Awesome! I'm going to close this case out for now, but feel free to add to it if you need any more help on this one.