#986 - License unauth reset
Dear Jason,
We encountered an annoying issue: The license reset the code every week, this happen from the date of purchase. This is very annoying, because our customer get your expiring message really frequently.
it's normal? We/You can solve?
Thanks and regards
10 years ago
Hello Eric,
The license re-validates every week. By resetting I'm guessing that you are seeing the license key get removed. If that is the case make sure that config_override.php has permissions to be written to. Also make sure that the firewall (if there is one) allows connections to sugaroutfitters.com. Since you are able to eventually get the license to validate I doubt it is the firewall or that cURL isn't enabled. Most likely it will be permissions on config_override.php for Sugar to be able to write to it.
The license doesn't reset on other installs so hopefully one of these will address the issue for you.
8 years ago
Closing this out, but feel free to follow up if you have any more questions.