#999 - SecuritySuite for 6.5.18
After i've been installed 6.5.x to 6.5.18 i've got the message Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite will not work correctly until updated to 6.5.18. Upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.18
but the link in message is broken - no fresh file or disti on it. Where can i obtain SecuritySuiteLimited for 6.5.18?
10 years ago
There is a link to the old limited edition on this page:
10 years ago
Thanks, finally i've found it.
10 years ago
And after i've upload module my crm completely dead (((((
10 years ago
I've only heard of that happening when file permissions are out of whack. You'll need to both fix the existing permissions and the make sure default_permissions in your config.php is set appropriately for your environment. Here are some links that should help:
http://support.sugarcrm.com/04_Knowledge_Base/02Administration/100Install/Required_File_System_Permissions_on_Linux/ http://support.sugarcrm.com/04_Find_Answers/02KB/02Administration/100Install/Setting_File_Permissions_and_Ownership_in_config.php http://forums.sugarcrm.com/f3/sugarcrm-permissions-50083/ http://www.shanedowling.com/sugarcrm-permissions-script/
10 years ago
Also make sure to run a Quick Repair and Rebuild once you are back in for good measure. If you are running APC or Memcache you may also need to restart Apache to clear your opcode cache.
10 years ago
I'll give you some info from my log in next case.