#2738 - 505
Hi! I'm testing this feature to see if we can recommend it to our client.
I installed this on a Demo instance on SugarCRM 7.2 OnDemand.
But when i try to preview the survey, i see a blank page, i opened the Developers Console and this is what i get:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) https://audoxchile.demo.sugarcrm.com/preview_survey.php?survey_id=39bb47a4-bbdf-11e6-9db1-02b6c8b587a1
Is there anything wrong? I tried making a Survey from scratch or using a demo template. Both retrieve this error.
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7 years ago
Hello ,
We have fixed the issue and updated the installable plugin. As you have SugarCRM 7.7.* please download the latest Survey-Rocket-Sugar7-2.1.zip from your SugarOutfitter account and try to install on your instance. Please do repair and rebuilt the instance after successful installation of Survey Rocket Plugin. If still you are facing the issue please share your Instance admin login detail at support@biztechconsultancy.com. We will check , debug and try to resolve the issues that you are facing.
7 years ago
Hello! i reinstalled everything, cleared tables, tried again but no luck, same error when trying to preview survey:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) https://audoxchile.demo.sugarcrm.com/preview_survey.php?survey_id=39bb47a4-bbdf-11e6-9db1-02b6c8b587a1
Cannot provide PHP information because is an online demo instance from SugarCRM.