by Fanatical Labs

Empower your support and sales teams with clear visibility to the right data, right when they need it. With the Zendesk and Sugar integration, your teams will be able to stay up-to-date on all relevant records whether they're working in Zendesk or SugarCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#2317 - Sugar Customer Info in Zendesk

Closed Bug? created by Dbvisit Software Limited Verified Purchase 8 years ago
Hi There, We have recently upgraded to Sugar7.6.0.1 and using Zendesk Sugar integration provided by Zendesk. However with the upgrade we were not able to see the ticket requester account and opp. info in Zendesk. And Zendesk support recommended Fanatically Zen. I have set up the trial account and installed Zendesk for Sugar in our test instance. We are able to see the tickets in Sugar dashlet but in Zendesk It is still showing this message : (Have done page refresh, cache clear, quick repair and rebuild) ~~~ SugarCRM for Zendesk Congrats! The Sugar Zendesk App is installed. NEXT STEP: Now you need to download and install the SugarCRM module so you can connect your Zendesk account to your Sugar account. Click the green "Free Trial" button and follow the steps on this page: Install the Zendesk SugarCRM Module following these instructions: When you've completed the process, refresh this page to complete the integration. If you have any questions about this process, send us an email and we'll be sure to help: What is SugarOutfitters is a marketplace exclusively for the best SugarCRM integrations. All add-ons have been tested and are guarnateed to work. ~~~ Could you please assist with this issue? Thanks, Deepika +64-226801457
  1. jason member avatar


    8 years ago

  2. deepika.kumar member avatar

    Dbvisit Software Limited Verified Purchase

    8 years ago

  3. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins

    8 years ago

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