by eVolpe Consulting Group

Are you facing difficulties trying to coordinate efforts between marketing and sales? The Mautic Integrator for Sugar/SuiteCRM by eVolpe is the best solution that will help you solve this issue. TRY IT NOW FOR FREE!

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Configuration Guide

Mautic Plugin

Step 1: Turn on API

In “Configuration” in section “API Settings” turn on API

Make sure to set up relatively big access token lifespan, so that application does not have to refresh it too often and long enough refresh token lifespan, so that admin does not have to reauthorize the app after holidays.


Step 2: Generate OAuth2 Credentials keys

In ”API Credentials” generate new OAuth2 set of keys

As callback set up address with http:// and https:// separated by comma:


for example:,

If you don’t see the API Credentials refresh the whole mautic page or check if API Settings were saved correctly.

Mautic - API Credentials.jpg

Step 3: Configure plugin Authorization

In Plugins section click eVolpe Marketing Automation Integration plugin icon.

Set up your CRM URL as well as admin user login and password and set Pulished on Yes and click the Authorize App button.

03. Mautic - Plugin Settings.PNG

Step 4: Add new jobs to crontab

  • For Mautic 4.X:
  • php bin/console evolpe:sync:process
  • php bin/console evolpe:historyactivity:process

  • evolpe:sync:process command should run relatively often because it sends new activities and records to CRM instance

  • evolpe:historyactivity:process command should run relatively often because it generates historical activity for the contact which has been identified and push to the CRM

Run following command in your SSH console (for example if Apache system user is www-data):

    crontab -e -u www-data

Paste new jobs at the end of crontab (for example if Mautic instance directory path is: /var/www/my_mautic):

For Mautic 4.X:

*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console evolpe:sync:process
*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console evolpe:historyactivity:process

Example of Mautic related crontab entries required to make the plugin work:

*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console mautic:campaigns:update --env=prod
*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console mautic:campaigns:trigger --env=prod
*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console mautic:segments:update --env=prod
*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console mautic:social:monitoring --env=prod
*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console mautic:emails:send

*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console evolpe:sync:process
*   *   *   *   *    /var/www/my_mautic/bin/console evolpe:historyactivity:process

CRM Plugin

Step 1: Mautic License Management

  • In Administration go to "Subscriptions Management" in eVolpe Subscriptions Section.
  • Edit "Mautic Integrator" record.
  • Enter Lincese Key and validate it.
  • Choose users that should have permissions to use Integrator features.

CRM - License Management.jpg

Step 2: Connector configuration

  • In Administration go to Connectors
  • In section Set Connectors Properties in Mautic tab:
  • Set up Mautic URL and fill OAuth2 keys generated in Initial Configuration/Mautic Plugin/Step 2: Generate OAuth2 Credentials keys
  • Set Version of Mautic with which it will sync
  • SAVE settings

CRM - Connectors - Set Connector Properties.jpg

  • Enter Set Connectors Properties again and click the LINK in the description. It should show Mautic page asking for authorization and if you want to grant CRM access to Mautic.

CRM - Connectors - Set Connector Properties - LINK - mautic login.jpg

CRM - Connectors - Set Connector Properties - LINK - mautic accept.jpg

  • If Authorization was done properly you should see token expiration date

CRM -Connectors - Set Connector Properties - properly authorized connector.png

  • In section Enable Connectors in Mautic tab turn on connector for chosen modules.

CRM - Connectors - Enable Connectors.jpg

  • In section Map Connector Fields in Mautic tab you can change the default field mapping.

CRM - Connectors - Map Fields.PNG

Step 3: Rebuild views for Mautic

In Administration go to Mautic Settings Section and click Rebuild views for Mautic. It will add fields to synchronized modules to record view and list view.

Step 4: Add Marketing Campaigns and Marketing Activities to navbar

In Administration go to Repair and click Quick Repair and Rebuild. Next go again to Repair and Repair Roles. Next go to Administration and click Display Modules and Subpanels. Add to Display Modules following modules: Marketing Activities and Marketing Campaigns and save settings. CRM_Profile_display_module

Make sure that modules: Marketing Activities and Marketing Campaigns are chosen in your user profile in Layout Options in Display Modules.

Step 5: Make sure if CRM job exists in crontab

Run following command in your SSH console (for example if Apache system user is www-data):

    crontab -e -u www-data

And check if your CRM job exists here (for example if CRM instance directory path is: /var/www/crm):

*   *   *   *   *    cd /var/www/crm; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Initial Synchronization

Step 1: Synchronize exisiting Mautic Campaigns

Run following command in your SSH console:

    cd [Mautic_directory]

For Mautic 4.X:

    php bin/console evolpe:campaigns:synchronize

Step 2: Synchronize CRM records with Mautic

In Administration go to Mautic Settings Section and click Synchronize records with Mautic. It will schedule an ad-hoc job of initial synchronization to Mautic.

CRM - Administration - Mautic Settings Panel.png

All records from modules chosen in Enable Connectors that are not yet synchronized and have a Primary Email Address will be synchronized in the background with Mautic.

As a final result for synchronized modules there will be new panel visible in record view.

CRM - Leads - Properly rebuild views and synchronized lead.jpg

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