Admin Guide
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Background Information
In case you have navigated to the Admin > Process Management page after install and find yourself seeing a blank page: Don't panic! This is to be expected. This add-on doesn't actually search through Sugars' stock SugarBPM processes tables, it runs on a newly created database table that we will now populate with your process data to allow the newly added filters to work.
Create the Scheduler
You'll need to create a scheduled job in order for the newly added filters to load the data from the newly created database table. To set up the scheduler record, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Scheduler
- Click on the 3 dots in the menu bar for Scheduler and select Create Scheduler
- Give the Scheduler a name, i.e. Populate SugarBPM Added Filters Table
- In the Job dropdown select Custom Job: Migrate Data from PMSE to Filtered Table
- We recommend to keep the Scheduler Interval to run 'Every 1 Minutes' as per default
- Click on Save
Dependant on the amount of processes you already have in your system, it may take a few hours to days for the new database table to be fully populated. Keep an eye on the Process Management page and the 'Date Created' values on the processes that start to appear. The scheduler runs in a chronologically ascending order, so the Date Created value will give you an indication on how far you are in your data sync.
Note: The initial population of the new database table may take a little while to fetch all your existing processes, but once up to speed any newly created processes will appear in the Process Management page fairly instantly (unless you've changed the Scheduler Interval from 'Every 1 Minute', then you may have to expect some delays).
User Guide
Creating a Filter
Filtering your data works like any List View filter in other modules. When accessing the Admin > Process Management page a new Build Filter button will display next to the search bar. This will allow administrators to easier search for processes by being able to filter on
- Date Created
- Date Modified
- Process Definition Name
- Record Name
- Process Status
- Process Owner
Filter Options
In the first dropdown field, select the field you want to filter by. In the second dropdown select the operator you want to use to filter the results by:
Field | Operators |
Date Created | Various Before/After Datefield Type Operators |
Date Modified | Various Before/After Datefield Type Operators |
Process Definition Name | Exactly Matches / Starts With / Is Empty / Is Not Empty / Contains |
Record Name | Exactly Matches / Starts With / Is Empty / Is Not Empty / Contains |
Process Status | Is Any Of / Is Not Any Of / Is Empty / Is Not Empty |
Process Owner | Is Any Of / Is Not Any Of / Is Empty / Is Not Empty |
Note: Date Modified represents the latest update to the Process, which could be a Status, Assigned User, Process User or Process Owner change.
In the third field, dependant upon the operator selected, either type the value or click and select the relevant value that you want to filter by.
Your List View will then refresh to show results matching the filter applied. You can add further filter conditions by using the '+' button to the right of your filter row.
Saving a Filter
If you want to re-use your created filter in the future, you can save it by entering a name for your filter in the Enter new filter name... bar and click the Save button.
You can access your saved filters via the grey Filter button.