Release Notes
v. 2.4
compatibility with Sugar v9.x
v. 2.0
in TimeLine Dashlet and TimeLine View
Enhanced readability with the redesigned thread
Increased events perception by introducing bigger icon size - increased font of the displayed event information - optimized display of date and time of eventss - when scrolling, parent elements “stick” to the top of the plug-in window
Faster collaboration by marking the commented events - events with unread comments are marked in Red
- events with all read comments are marked in Black
- for events with no comments, user sees Create Comment button
- comments are displayed by clicking on Comment button
- number of new posts in the comment thread is provided
Easy catching of the events with Brief and Detail views - each event with details is marked with an icon
- details are accessible inline by clicking on the the icon.
in Collaboration Dashlet
Each comment is linked to the object it belongs to, so user can navigate to the object immediately
Reading a comment automatically marks it as read
v. 1.19
First TimeLine Viewer release avaliable in SugarOutfitters