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#447 - Sync frequency

Closed General Question created by sichord 10 years ago

Hi, when updating Cal events, what is the sync frequency intervals?

Do you have any features similiar to CollabSpot where a contact in SugarCRM can be viewed while in gmail?

Thanks, Brian Minick Operations Manager SproutLoud Media Network

  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    10 years ago


    Sync runs after every 5 min by default. it can be increased/decreased from schedulers but we suggest don't decrease because decrease will cause sync issues. And there is no gmail interface for this.

    Thanks, Support

  2. bminick member avatar


    10 years ago

    Thank you! 5 mins is great!

    Is there anyway to push from Google Calendar to the Sugar Calendar? I noticed if the event was created in Sugar, and then pushed to Google, it can be edited in Google and will reflect in Sugar. But the event has to be created in Sugar. Is there any pushing available from Google to Sugar?

    Is there a way to merge the sugar calendar with the google calendar instead of creating its own SugarCRM calendar? I.E. can you select the calendar to sync? If not, could a proposal be created for the development of this?

    Thanks Brian

  3. bminick member avatar


    10 years ago

    Also, can you please explain the feature under the enterprise level edition: "SugarCRM Custom module"

    I am not sure what that means Brian

  4. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    10 years ago


    Our plugin sync calendar both way, whether event is created in google or sugar , this will be synced to other way. All features are: Calendar Sync, Contact Sync, Docs sync(only on onsite instances not SugarCRM hosted) Email Archive

    Thanks, Support

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