#188 - Dokument and SecuritySuite - Basic Edition
Hello from munich,
I asking me if you can help me
I have create a new Modul "customer-dokument" and 3 new User "customer". All 3 customer work with the same company, but every user get one own dokument with "assigned-to" Alle 3 customer assigned to the same SecuritySuite Group. It is possible although every "user" get a own "assigned-to" dokument, that my 3 customer see all dokuments, because the work with the same company and "assigned-to the same SecuritySuite Group?
Big Thanx for helping Andreas
11 years ago
Yes, assign the securitygroup to the customer-dokument records that they should be able to see and then set the users' rights to Group instead of Owner. Then they can see all of those records assigned to the same group. Make sure that the users are also all in that same Security Group.
11 years ago
This was I have done exactly and wondering why is not working :-( Any idea
Thanx for helping Andreas
11 years ago
You have to hook up your custom module correctly with Security Groups. The Premium edition available here does that easily for you. You can hand code it in Basic, but you have to be extra careful to do it correctly. Follow the directions in this old doc: http://www.sugarforge.org/frs/download.php/6477/SecuritySuite_Documentation_2.1.pdf. (do not copy/paste from this document as it will contain junk characters that will cause it not to work).
11 years ago
What should I say => it works
11 years ago
Great! Glad to hear it. When you get a chance, can you verify that SecuritySuite works here with the "Does this add-on work?" buttons? Thanks!