#2256 - Views based on Group Membership not working
Hi there,
we just came across something that looks like a small bug. 1) Studio -> Modules -> Contacts -> Layouts -> Default -> Editview: Remove a Panel / Field -> Save & Deploy 2) Studio -> Modules -> Contacts -> Layouts -> Admin Group -> Editview: -> Save & Deploy
Expected behavoir: Default Group Editview Layout has 1 panel/field less than Admin Group
Actual behavoir: Default Group recieves the panel/field back as soon as the Admin Group layout has been saved & deployed
Default View - Removing Panel "Kontakt Privat" <img src="http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160614/ulbibxww.png"> Default View - Panel "Kontakt Privat" removed <img src="http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160614/5q88rsv7.png"> Administrator View - still has Panel "Kontakt Privat" - Save & Deploy <img src="http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160614/4ythh9v4.png"> Default View - Panel "Kontakt Privat" is back <img src="http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160614/doqvgab7.png">
SuiteCRM 7.6.3 Firefox 47 Chrome 51
8 years ago
Do you have any sort of opcode caching such as Memcache or APC enabled? If so, try disabling that and recreate the issue. Sometimes this can happen with caching. If that still happens then I will need to dig deeper.
8 years ago
Ok, some tracking. SS creates folders for each group layout under /custom/modules//metadata// The default view defs remain under /custom/modules//metadata
What we can observe: each time we save a group layout the default view defs get rewritten too (time stamp), thus reset to the values just saved to the group.
8 years ago
No caching in place
8 years ago
I just got back from SugarCon. I'll do some testing based on your great information here and get back to you. Should be able to nail this down.
8 years ago
Is the "Sync to DetailView" option checked for any of the layouts having issues?
8 years ago
I cannot replicate this behavior so far. Can you install the latest SecuritySuite for your version of SuiteCRM and see if that resolves the issue?