#3570 - Creating duplicate causes Error retrieving record error
Hello Jason,
I am facing error when I am creating duplicate lead. Whenever I create duplicate lead it asks me to save lead so if I click on save button it throws error “Error retrieving record”. I found that the error is coming because of Security Suit. If you found any workaround please share. Your support is appreciated.
We are Using SugarCRM CE .
Please Help!
6 years ago
I have just recreated the same issue on 6.5.25 with a user that has Group rights to leads. Looking into the cause and will report back here as I learn more.
I moved the comment over to a new case here so that we can track this issue separately.
Thanks! -Jason
6 years ago
I just uploaded a new install package that should do the trick for you. Under your Purchases (https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/orders) look for the 6.5.26_SecuritySuite_v3.1.6.zip package.
Install that via Module Loader WITHOUT uninstalling the current version. Please leave that version installed.
After installing run a Quick Repair & Rebuild, Rebuild Relationships, and a Repair Roles.
Please let me know how that works for you. This resolved the issue of not saving the record even after it detected a duplicate when testing locally.
Thank you!
6 years ago
Just checking in to see if you were able to install and test the duplicate issue with the new package.