Quickly view the organizational hierarchy of any account or contact. Identify key decision makers and influencers using this handy dashlet. Know where a given contact fits in or how an account is structured.
To properly install the module please follow the steps described in the installation guide of the module that can be found here : https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/sugarcrm-org-chart-hierarchy/installation-guide .
It is important that after all the repair tasks have been done you disconnect your SugarCRM account and refresh the browser cache (using CTRL+F5 or CTRL+R). Once this is done you can reconnect to your SugarCRM account. A new type of dashlet will appear in the list of available dashlets of the record view called "SynoOrgChat".
If you have any other questions regarding the installation or usage of the dashlet, don't hesitate to contact us.
10 years ago
Can you please tell us the version of SugarCRM you are using so we can better respond to your problem?
Best regards, Synolia Support
10 years ago
Our version is
10 years ago
To properly install the module please follow the steps described in the installation guide of the module that can be found here : https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/sugarcrm-org-chart-hierarchy/installation-guide . It is important that after all the repair tasks have been done you disconnect your SugarCRM account and refresh the browser cache (using CTRL+F5 or CTRL+R). Once this is done you can reconnect to your SugarCRM account. A new type of dashlet will appear in the list of available dashlets of the record view called "SynoOrgChat".
If you have any other questions regarding the installation or usage of the dashlet, don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards, Support Synolia