by Sugar-project
SugarPrint enables printing to PDF / XLS export of any: List view, Detail view and Calendar view in SuiteCRM and SugarCRM Community Edition. SugarPrint makes exporting basic or advanced Search Results to PDF or Excel a one-click process.
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I am being limited to 60 records when creating a report. Is there a way to adjust the limit?
10 years ago
No limit only PHP server memory is the limit. Can you explain better your situation? Where is 60 limit? best marco
We are printing a filtered list of 62 rows. When we Print, we get only 60 rows. Does the Query Limit have anything to do with SugarPrint?
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Your ERP Accounting data is integrated with your SugarCRM when you use Commercient’s SYNC app. SYNC Accounts, Contacts, Invoices, Sales Orders, Products, Pricing, Inventory, and more!
Help customers align the front and back offices to optimize inventory, streamline supply chain and manufacturing operations, and drive additional revenue with SYSPRO's ERP and SugarCRM.
Connect Sugar with Ringover to synchronise all your call data and make unlimited international calls with ease, saving you time and boosting your team’s productivity so they can do more selling and ...
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10 years ago
No limit only PHP server memory is the limit. Can you explain better your situation? Where is 60 limit? best marco
10 years ago
We are printing a filtered list of 62 rows. When we Print, we get only 60 rows. Does the Query Limit have anything to do with SugarPrint?