Easily Send and Track Signature Requests Within SugarCRM Using HelloSign
This SugarCRM add-on enables you to send and track signature requests for Opportunities, Quotes, and Contracts. Have those documents quickly signed by your customers, users, and email addresses, from any browser or on any mobile device.
Proactively Verify Company VAT Numbers in SugarCRM Using the VIES Integrator
Use this SugarCRM plugin to create and update CRM records in accordance with the European VAT Information Exchange System (VIES). Also, verify other companies’ VAT numbers before moving forward with transactions.
3 Ways Fanatically Zen Empowers Your Customer Support Team
Customer support teams thrive when they’re empowered with the information they need and the authority to act on a customer’s issue. Fanatically Zen by Fanatical Labs seeks to connect Zendesk agents with SugarCRM users by sharing information across teams which allows them to act more effectively and reduce the burden on customers.
Easily Export Report PDFs and Email to Multiple SugarCRM Records
Advanced Report Exporter is a SugarCRM solution that will export reports on scheduled time intervals. Currently in Sugar, you can only schedule and send one report at a time to a user. This add-on significantly improves that process, enabling you to export reports into PDFs and send via email to as many CRM users, accounts, and contacts as you choose!
Stay Informed with Latest Engagement Methods and Times for Your SugarCRM Contacts
enable engage allows users to see when the target, lead, contact, or account last had communication. It can also drill down to each activity type and quickly create a list of customers or prospects that haven't had contact within a set timeframe.
Add-On Spotlight
Maileon for SugarCRM
FEATUREDThe Maileon Integration for SugarCRM streamlines marketing operations by automating data sync and reducing manual work. It empowers teams to create and manage email automations seamlessly, driving mor... -
Dashboard Copy Manager
Administrators can copy dashboards from any user to any number of users, teams, or roles. Save time logging in as individual users to set up their dashboards. -
Upsert® Last Modified By
FEATUREDDisplay a time stamp at the field level on record views, showing who last changed each field and when. - Show more addons