#1623 - Security Group Not inherited from Parent record on QuickCRM environment
Hi, i'm using a SuiteCRM Version 7.1.1 (Sugar Version 6.5.16) istance,
i noticed that with QuickCRM 4.1.4, if you create a Meeting from a subpanel of an Account, or you create a Meeting and you relate it to an Account,
the Meeting record doesn't inherit the Account Security Groups even if it's checked to do so in SecuritySuite Settings.
9 years ago
Hi Mayer,
QuickCRM has a different way of doing things so we can't officially support it. I'm not sure even where to begin with what to look at. My suggestion would be to create a logic hook to detect when it is coming from QuickCRM and then trigger the inheritance logic.
9 years ago
Ok, thank you.
Where can i find the inheritance logic to trigger? (What function should i use?
9 years ago
In SugarBean's save() it'll call SecurityGroup->inherit() which eventually calls inherit_parent where the logic is to grab the parent module and id. Then it calls SecurityGroup::inherit_parentQuery($focus, $parent_type, $parent_id, $focus_id, $focus_module_dir).
Note: it's calling those functions as if static even though it is not defined that way. It'll work still and the functions will be defined as static in the next release.
9 years ago
We work through the REST API. But you use $_REQUEST['relate_to'] and $_REQUEST['relate_id'] which are not set by the set_entry web service. As we already fix another bug in set_entry (not related to Security Suite), we will adapt our API to manage that.
9 years ago
There are a couple of other ways that we try to catch things coming through the API below that check. I think the biggest issue is that we are looking for API requests to come through the portal_* API and not the general API. Not your fault, of course.
If you are able to use the relate_to/id fields though, that would work as well. Thanks for being so willing to work with us here.
9 years ago
Done and tested. It works. We will publish that quite soon. FYI, besides that issue, Security Suite worked fine without us needing to do anything :-)
9 years ago
Wow. Quick.
Noted. Sorry, just unfamiliar with QuickCRM. I'll add a link to you guys on our supported 3rd party modules. Thanks!
9 years ago
Added here: https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/securitysuite/3rd-party-supported-modules