by Faye

The Box Integration for Sugar by Faye is a simple, scalable, and affordable solution to manage documents, media, and all your content online. Share files as a link. Sync files on the desktop. It’s file sharing, reinvented. You can securely access, share, and collaborate on files anywhere.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#4521 iPad Air 3 Box Integration - My company, aspace australia pty ltd have SugarCRM and Box files integrating. However when using my kymday Open Bug?
#2326 FayeBSG claims they have not received payment yet. - Hi SugarOutfitters support, I have been resolving some issues with FayeBSG and in the process, th graya Closed General Question
#1707 Mobile Features - Hello, I'm Erica. I'm working for OpenSymbol and I'm see your integration SugarBox ericapaulini Closed Feature
#1436 Wrong price? - Hi, Why is the pricing here at $1,250 yearly but only $499 per year on Vincent Closed General Question
#1387 SugarCRM FayeBSG App Screen - Install instructions tell you that once you go into the module settings you set the application URL. Bry-Air Sales Closed Installation
#1293 Box App Installed - Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this fletch Closed Installation
#1158 Demo key? - We have clients that might find this module of use. Is there a demo key we can obtain so that we ca FibreCRM Closed General Question
#1067 Is it compatible with SuiteCRM? - Please confirm about its compatibility with SuiteCRM Info@Rolustech Closed General Question
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