by GrinMark

Make life easier by reducing the need to flip between apps. If you are using Outlook Web App, Outlook 2013, or Outlook 2016 connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2013 then be sure to take advantage of this email and contact synchronization add-on. Smartly links emails to your Sugar records and keeps your contacts in sync.

Free Trial

By clicking you consent to share your profile with the developer

Single User Installation

Single User Installation

Note: It will take some efforts from you to setup because Microsoft does not provide a technology for automatic installs yet. So contact for assistance if needed. We're always looking to get feedback from our customers. Please let us know where we've impressed you or where we can improve.

Note: If you purchased the Multi User plan then follow this guide instead: Multi User Installation

Note: If you have Exchange server on-premises then make sure to note this difference here.


  • SugarCRM v6.0 or higher and Sugar v7 or higher. All flavors are supported (CE/Pro/Enterprise/Ultimate).
  • Office 365 Account with Outlook Web Access (Outlook Online).


Note: Legacy steps for add-in installation are described here.

Open Outlook Web Interface in a browser and login with your user name. In the same browser window navigate to

It will open Add-Ins for Outlook popup dialog.

Add-Ins for Outlook Dialog

Download the add-in manifest file (copy-paste this URL into another browser tab):

In the popup dialog choose Add from File..., then select downloaded RibbonOutlookPlugin.xml. Follow the installation prompts.

The plugin is now accessible from within each Email message as a button labeled <> SugarĀ® or from the ribbon:

  • Outlook Web

Email with SugarCRM button

  • Outlook for Windows

Email with SugarCRM button

  • Outlook for Mac

Email with SugarCRM button

Activation and Configuration

You need to define some settings for App to be able to archive and synchronize. All settings are configured at the Settings page.


1: License key

After you start your 30-day trial, grab the license key from the SugarOutfitters page and specify it here.


It may be taken from the web URL as follows. Look at the line in the web browser when logging into SugarCRM.

For SugarCRM 7

It looks like: i.e.:

Sugar 7 URL

Cut the trailing part starting from # and leaving the trailing / and you get the right URL, i.e. the correct URL is:

For SugarCRM 6:

It looks like: i.e.:

Sugar 6 URL

Cut the trailing part starting from index.php and leaving the trailing / and you get the right URL, i.e. the correct URL is:

3: User Name, 4: Password

SugarCRM login name of the user and password.

5: Test Connection

Use it to make sure your SugarCRM instance is accessible. If connection is successful then CRM settings will be automatically saved.

6: Office 365 Password, 7: Test Connection, 8: Save

You need to specify the password that is used to log into Office 365 Outlook (mailbox password).

It is recommended to press Test Connection to make sure password is applied properly.

If connection is successful then Exchange settings will be automatically saved.

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